Friday 12 November 2021

French Knights for Patay (II)


So as we are nearing the Christmas season (and for shops in the UK it is already Christmas!) I give you....Five French Sergeants!

These are all the riders I can make up from the remaining spures that I have. Two of them are made up with cut-down bodies from the Perry French Foot pack, which enables a bit of variety with the kettlehats, instead of the bascinets which you get in the Agincourt Knights pack. 

The horses are all painted in the same tones for speed - but these sergeants will be placed on different bases as supporting ranks, so the uniformity will be lost...and uniformity is not what you want in a medieval army.

More anon. Cheers for now.


  1. They look great ! Btw was their armour made by Patay smith? :)

  2. Delighted you are back in the saddel with this blog Simon, it really has been missed! Keep it up, it is appreciated.
