Just a quick update to tell you that there is an article in the August Wargames Illustrated magazine on the battle of Verneuil. It runs to ten pages and includes lots of pictures of the Salute game, including some from this blog and close-ups of Darrell's fine casualty markers. Nigel Cook, one of the players at Salute, has written a historical setting for the battle and I've penned some words on how Darrell and I put on the game and how the re-fight went on the day.
Hope you enjoy reading it, if you're a consumer of WI mag.
Darrell and I are hoping to reprise the game at Partizan II in September and if so I'll try and get a few more figures done.
Excellent, the game was superb, glad it made it into a mag.
Blimey! That came as a bit of a surprise!
Sounds great- can't wait to see the mag.
We were planned to be in last issue (285) but it appears we got 'bounced' to this one - a nice looking article though (although I maybe bias!!).
Very nice article with lots of eyecandy. I´m realy impressed by your game!!! Lots of inspiration for my own Kalmar Union War project;)
Best Regards Dalauppror
Looking forward to seeing the article when I pick up WI, not enough Medieval stuff and this should make up for it with some good eye-candy.
Dan posted one up the other day. The article is superbly put together and then pics are well... lovely.
I need you to text me your number (and Dave's for that matter) so's we can keep in touch. A 'nice' taxi driver took a liking to my last phone! I'm still on my old number, about the only thing I have been able to salvage :O(
nicely done sire
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