About time that this blog was kicked back into life and as I'm busy on t'other blog recently, thought I'd show some pics taken at Warwick Castle event at Easter weekend.
It's only an hour away from my home, so my daughter and I dodged the rain storms to mingle with some acquaitances from the duke of Buckingham's retinue living history group and visited the excellent 'Kingmaker' display. The pics are some of the life-size figures in the castle, displaying the earl's retinue making preparations for the ill-fated Barnet campaign of 1471. All the clothing and equipment is spot-on for the period and taken from reliable contemporary pictorial evidence. I'm also planning some encampments, so also took some pics of camp life for future reference too.
If you've not been before, I recommend the castle and the quality of the Kingmaker galleries is (almost) worth the steep entry price alone.
More HYW figures (probably the remaining Scots) will be coming here soonish...