Sunday 2 December 2012

Burgundians for Cravant (II)

The original plan to complete the men at arms for the Burgundians had to be slightly delayed, for reasons which I’ll be able to share at a future date. So these are the Burgundian crossbowmen, peppered with a few handgunners, for the Cravant contingent. All are Perry AO Range figures.

They’ve been painted by me using a different approach, aimed at getting figures done to a reasonable standard in a much shorter timeframe. There is a compromise on my usual painting standards and layering of shading and highlights, as the process is based on applying GW washes over light tones of base colours, and then adding a few selected highlights - primarily on the cloths, armour and flesh areas (belts, shoes, padded jacks, crossbows were left just washed over). There’s a bit more info on this faster approach on some Perry 15th century Italians on my other blog. Basing has been done as normal, on 50mm square mdf bases purchased from Warbases, so that the figures ‘tie in’ with my existing ones. I just need to add a few more Silfor tufts which are on order. I’m more than satisfied with the results; as the main target of getting more finished figures for the Cravant game done is being met as I did these in just over a week and the figures look acceptable at arms length viewing on the tabletop.

There’s nothing specifically ‘Burgundian’ about these figures, so they can also be used as French in other games and scenarios. The men at Arms should now be the next figures to follow….