Saturday 11 May 2019

Bauge replay at Partizan - grave undertakings

We're going to replay the demo game of Bauge 1421 at the Partizan show in Newark on 19 May.

Going to make some slight adjustments to the layout. This is to include more space around the village of Vieil-Bauge; up the slope from the river crossing, where most of the fighting appears to have taken place and where Clarence most likely died fighting. This means I'll have room for my church, which I forgot to pack for the trip to Salute.

To sit alongside the church I've made a walled graveyard - one of those terrain pieces which I've had in mind for such a long while and I needed a prompt to find all those purchased bits for it and so get it completed. Visual references for what a medieval graveyard may have looked like have been hard to find. The only ones appear to be from contemporary illuminations showing the dead rising up, presumably to collect souls of the living.

From these images walled cemetaries seem to have a mixture of slabs and wooden crosses. I understand that when cemetery space was full, that bones would be dug up and reburied, most probably inside the church crypt. In the medieval world it was the soul which travelled to Heaven and was proved for after death. Its only post Reformation that the bones of the dead gradually become the focus of remembrance and so graveyards become bigger in size, with carved headstones etc. The walls are from Debris of War, which I've rendered with fine Polyfilla, with Hovels pillars on the ends. The slabs are Renedra plastics, the larger crucifixion and small shrines from a Faller HO kit, other crosses are Hovels, and the smaller wooden crosses and gateway (top part of a well) are mdf laser-cuts from Petite Properties.

Along the open side of the yard, I've embedded small magnets. This will allow me to add/remove a temporary hedge, if I need the piece to be fully enclosed at any time. The church is a Vollmer plastic HO scale railway kit - it's of Strasbourg Cathedral, but works OK as a 28mm parish church! I love the fine moulded gothic details, which I've not seen in a war-games version yet. More on it here.

If you're at Partizan, please pop over to the game and say hello!
