Sunday 21 August 2022

French Knights for Patay (IV)


So I made some progress over the earlier summer months, to add more bases of French knights for a future Patay game.

Here are some pics. They are pretty much all Perry plastics from the Agincourt range. Some conversions as previously mentioned, with putty-sculpted kastenbrust added - although when they were painted and based, you can hardly find them!

There are more planned, with a couple more leaders and known participants to be added.

I'm also considering making some vignette bases of fleeing and ridden-down English archers - although I guess Patay will be the only scenario I will use them in.



Duke of Baylen said...

These are terrific and show why this is a period I don't do - the heraldry looks impossible. I really like the basing arrangements with often a lesser armed figure in a supportive role. Its unusual to see this more linear type of basing rather than one with everyone in the same rank - it looks really effective and reminds me I have only done this once.
I appreciate you sharing these wonderful photos


Ray Rousell said...

Beautiful work!

Unknown said...

Great work! Like the small alterations!

caveadsum1471 said...

Lovely finish, great looking knights!
Best Iain said...

I've just 'rediscovered' your blog. Still going? Beautiful work!