The last contingent of French crossbowmen, supplemented by some handgunners, are completed.
These are nearly all Oliver's paintwork, I've just added two casualty figures of my own to make them upto four bases, the same as the others I've already done. These can be used as they are or in conjunction with urban pavisers. The close-ups are as detailed as I can get with my camera, but I've tried to show Oliver's fine paintwork on these figures (as with all the others).
Now considering how to create some opportunity and casualty markers for use with Impetus rules, having just received a copy for their new army lists for the fifteenth century.
Lovely stuff yet again Simon.
Please slow down or there's going to be nothing left for me to do ;O)
Keep up the goodly work mate.
Good inspiration as I'm painting up the very same miniatures myself these days. Like your version a lot.
These are excellent. I really like the basing, where did you get the foliage / tufts from?
My Lord Bedford - lots to do, don't worry! I'm benefiting from just doing the basing and tit-bits from Oliver's lovely figures.
Stuart - they are Silfor tufts from Antenociti , whose service is excellent. http://www.antenocitisworkshop.com/gbu0-display/splash.html
There are lots to select from and I have a number of them; think at the moment I'm using code 727-33 "long tufts Early Fall" on the box (hope that helps) and just superglue them on.
Godfrey - looking forward to seeing your own versions - presumably on Impetus base?
Yes, Impetus basing. Only another 4 miniatures to go.
Great stuff. I love the way the colour scheme pulls the unit together.
Best wishes
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