These are vignettes of leaders for the battle of Verneuil 1424; John, duke of Bedford for the Anglo-Normans and Jean d'Harcourt, count of Aumale for the Armagnac French.
I have already completed a fighting base that includes the duke of Bedford, wearing his combined English and French livery coat, however the acquisition of Oliver's figures meant I have another exquisite model that I couldn't leave sidelined. The figures on the Bedford base are Olivers, including the handpainted flag and some conversion work on one of his own castings. My only contribution has been to paint the musician and re-base them.
The count of Aumale was one of the senior commanders of the French in their campaign of 1424 to regain territory in Normandy. He had led a French victory at La Gravelle in 1423 against the English,which included French cavalry leading the attack (the tactics that were continued at Verneuil). His figure is one from the Perry AO range French command pack with the cast-on heraldry carefully removed with knife and needle file, so he can be repainted. The crossbowman is an old Citadel Brettonian figure, the flag a free web download and pavise transfer if LBMS.
I plan to do a few other vignettes for Verneuil, to hang around behind the battle lines.
Fantastic stuff!! I love these vignettes..... full of the right kind of character and bold enough to attract attention.
I think we are in line for having a very colourfull and interesting table top Simon.
Once again, nice job Simon ! ;)
On which site have you found the Banner of Comte d'Aumale ?
Very bice again. I applaude you just for acquiring these great models and thus saving them for public re-appearance. What a nice amalgamation. ;-)
Thanks for the comments guys - the flag is from Krisspill site http://www.krigsspil.dk/download/download_3.html
Flags range from excellent (see the Burgundian & HYW) to rather disappointing (eg Swiss.
Beautiful detailing and a great paint job.
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