Just a quick post to say that WI magazine has published it's first 'special', entitled Great Wargames. This is essentially a glossy, full of pics of games that they've photographed over the last couple of years, probably since the current ownership.
There are two for the medieval period - the Verneuil 1424 game at this years Salute and Tewkesbury 1471 from last years show, which Michael Perry put on (and to which I modestly contributed some figures & encampment and played in the game).
Lots of eye candy here for other games, over a broad range of periods - WI were kind enough to send me a sample copy several weeks ago - good reference material and inspiration for future projects perhaps. Not sure if this is going to be available in WH Smiths or only by mail order?
I will gradually continue to add to this blog and my HYW armies, but work commitments and focus on my Burgundians (over on the other blog) are taking up my spare time at the moment.
Cheers for now.