I've finished some figures to defend the baggage encampment for the Verneuil game.
These are a hot-potch of leftovers; Foundry, Perry and Citadel figures, all of which have been dipped for expediency of time and a few longbowmen from Oliver's collection (which are nicely handpainted). Just about enough figures for the game I hope.
The encampment will also surround tents, some non-combatants and the like.
You've done a grand job with the painting. The setup looks cool!
Very nice, as usual Simon !
Could you tell me more about the wagons ??
I like the hussite wagons. You´ve got some great medievals on your Blog.:-D
The wagons are 'Kingmaker' Hussite ones, which I've assembled without the extra protective sides. The one with the solid side and gun 'window' has been made up without the rear side to make it more accessible; I intend to use some form of swivel gun in it oneday. They're all dipped and matt varnished - hope this helps.
Ok thanks a lot !
but I do not recognize the right wagon with barrels (and longbowmen)
That just looks superb!
These are fantastic, they will add a lot to the display and illustrate an important aspect of the battle - and an inspiration, one day I will do the same with some Landsknechts!
Oh, and, battle of the herrings, that would be another excellent display game !
Best of luck for the show
I've just caought up on your last few posts - it's all fantastic work and I'm looking forward to seeing the game at Salute.
Best wishes
the large open-sided wagon was purchased from on the web, a guy in rance casts a few things himself, which are very good (inc WW2 sandbags & ruined Normandy house). But I've lost the link, so will advise if I can find it again, as I'd probably get another wagon too - apologies.
Ok thanks a lot Simon ! :)
Found the site! http://www.elladan.de/Index.htm
Scroll down and you'll see the wagon - don't know if any castings are still available. Best of luck.
Thanks Simon !
I will contact the selle r as soon as possible ! :)
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